Letters, including from Kent Hotchkiss of Aeon, and Larry Polansky. Also Record Reviews by Rick Karcasheff (Algebra Suicide, New Order, Savage Republic).
More record reviews (L.A. Mantra compilation, Renaldo And The Loaf, Minny Pops, Glenn Branca, Michael Mantler, New Order).
Two record reviews (Lounge Lizards). An ad for Badges. Political column by C.R. Holmes, Shame Of The Nation.
Film and book reviews by Karcasheff (Year Of Living Dangerously, Fassbender, Marguerite Duras, Charles Bukowski).
Prose poem by Karcasheff. Musical score by Larry Polansky.
Poems by Wuss Allen, David Frye, Gerald Locklin, Lisa Morris.
Two poems by Mary Nicolini. Art by Torger Hougen and randy Yeates.
Poems by Tony Moffeit, Nichola Manning, Miriam A. Cohen, Nancy Hill, and Cyndi Elliott.
Art by Patricia Wykes. Poem by Mary Nicolini.
Poems by Sally Boniece, Rick Karcasheff, David Mattingly, Tara Cross, Jennifer Outlaw.
Poem by KeDenTo and Sally Boniece. Art by David Mattingly.
Poems by David Mattingly, Hal McGee, D.H. Lloyd, Jeri Thompson, B.Z. Niditch, and Tony Moffeit.
Art by Hougen and Yeates. Poems by Gerald Locklin, Pete Madzelan, Sally Boniece.
Poems by Joel Scherzer, Jeri Thompson, Wus Allen, Mattingly, Nichola Manning, Gerald Locklin, B.Z. Niditch.
Recommended Record list (including The Cure, Clock DVA, Nick Drake, Michael Nyman, Philip Glass, Pascal Comelade, Etron Fou Leloublan, Roedelius, Petere Hamill, Marc Stewart & The Mafia. Additional Outlets and Reading (including Aeon, Beyond The Pale, Recommended Records, CLEM, Neumusik).
More outlets (including Op, Eurock, Wayside, Paradox, New Music Distribution Service).