I guess more than anything what keeps me fired up and going these days, what keeps me motivated to keep on making music and not slacken the pace is simply this: my mortality. I might be dead tomorrow. I feel the necessity to fill the world with as much of my sounds as I can. I don't want to die with the thought in my mind that I could have done more, that I could have made more Halsounds, more Halnoise, could have cluttered up the world with more of my sounds, could have audio trash-heaped and junk-piled [more]. I look at the entirety of my recorded output as one mass ... layer upon layer, like geological strata, with oozing rotten rusted broken twisted forms. My audio art output is my self-portrait - it's a map of my experience and of my brain activity on this planet, in this time. I am a total egotistical bastard, a first-born child, the center of the universe, and delusional as hell! Hahahahaha. But I love what I am doing and it's the reason I am alive - there is no other reason.
- excerpt from an email by Hal McGee to Don Campau, October 21, 2009,
as quoted in Tomas Bey William Bailey's book, "Unofficial Release".
- excerpt from an email by Hal McGee to Don Campau, October 21, 2009,
as quoted in Tomas Bey William Bailey's book, "Unofficial Release".