MOMA082 - Paloma Sánchez - menú del día
Side A
Crema Catalana
Side B
analatac amerc
Recorded in Barcelona, Spain.
Artist statement:
I have recorded my own voice without any other instruments, then I have manipulated, adding effects, loops... It is about three traditional Catalan recipes, and it is recorded in Catalan. On the B side the three recipes are repeated but in a different way. Is it meaningful for a Catalan person? Would a non-Catalan person listen the same phonetics?
About the art work, as I usually work with images I have decided to do it as simple as possible.
Fantástico loop gastronómico. Intento tomar nota de los ingredientes, pero por alguna razón soy incapaz de ello, hipnotizado por la voz y su uso. Suculenta poesía sonora. Si entras en este restaurante magnético, ahora digital, quedarás muy satisfecho. Bon profit!
- Rafael González
Crema Catalana
Side B
analatac amerc
Recorded in Barcelona, Spain.
Artist statement:
I have recorded my own voice without any other instruments, then I have manipulated, adding effects, loops... It is about three traditional Catalan recipes, and it is recorded in Catalan. On the B side the three recipes are repeated but in a different way. Is it meaningful for a Catalan person? Would a non-Catalan person listen the same phonetics?
About the art work, as I usually work with images I have decided to do it as simple as possible.
Fantástico loop gastronómico. Intento tomar nota de los ingredientes, pero por alguna razón soy incapaz de ello, hipnotizado por la voz y su uso. Suculenta poesía sonora. Si entras en este restaurante magnético, ahora digital, quedarás muy satisfecho. Bon profit!
- Rafael González