MOMA077 - PCRV - smokebreak

side a: sine of the times
side b: in addition two
recorded on 11-19-13
after repeated attempts
to record and eventual
erasure of original material
pcrv is matt taggart
billings, mt
PCRV takes minimal electronic noise composition to a completely new level on Side A of this microcassette work - "sine of the times" builds slowly out of subtly-modulated oscillator tones intermixed with an intoning voice that phases in and out on a carrier wave, like two shortwave radio channels that are too close together and subtle twists of the dial cross-modulate the signals into increasingly conflictive lo-fi skronk and blat-fizz. On the other side of eruption, then implosion, someone twists the dial to a brain channel where a 12 note guitar figure loop arises from the wreckage, lives a short life of reiteration and decayed development before it all just burns down to a smoking ember in the dark. The second side is more overtly aggressive, perhaps less variegated, but no less organic and ear-tantalizing.
- HM
side a: sine of the times
side b: in addition two
recorded on 11-19-13
after repeated attempts
to record and eventual
erasure of original material
pcrv is matt taggart
billings, mt
PCRV takes minimal electronic noise composition to a completely new level on Side A of this microcassette work - "sine of the times" builds slowly out of subtly-modulated oscillator tones intermixed with an intoning voice that phases in and out on a carrier wave, like two shortwave radio channels that are too close together and subtle twists of the dial cross-modulate the signals into increasingly conflictive lo-fi skronk and blat-fizz. On the other side of eruption, then implosion, someone twists the dial to a brain channel where a 12 note guitar figure loop arises from the wreckage, lives a short life of reiteration and decayed development before it all just burns down to a smoking ember in the dark. The second side is more overtly aggressive, perhaps less variegated, but no less organic and ear-tantalizing.
- HM