MOMA012 - Michael Ridge - Life at 2.4 cm/s

Artwork by Michael Ridge
Recorded between 19/08/13 and 22/08/13
at the basement studio
in Norwich, Norfolk, UK,with an Olympus Pearlcorder S922 microcassette recorder.
Sound Sources: Springboard, violin bow, harmonica, toilet, whistle, DVD & CD player, telephone pick-up coil, Boss Delay pedal and compact cassette player.
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Recorded between 19/08/13 and 22/08/13
at the basement studio
in Norwich, Norfolk, UK,with an Olympus Pearlcorder S922 microcassette recorder.
Sound Sources: Springboard, violin bow, harmonica, toilet, whistle, DVD & CD player, telephone pick-up coil, Boss Delay pedal and compact cassette player.
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