Gabble Ratchet video
Gabble Ratchet home Related pages: Bright Too Late David Mattingly Poetry For Monkeys and Poetry For A Nude Descending
Live performance video of Gabble Ratchet, an early 1980s experimental electronic music group in Indianapolis, performing the song "I Can't Stand It", at IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis), April 23, 1981.
Butch Clark (left) on synth, Rick Karcasheff (center) on synth (perhaps the Korg MS-10), and David Mattingly (right) on vocals and melodica. Filmed with a handheld VHS video camera, probably by Jack Sexson. Digitized by Debbie Jaffe, 2014. At this show Rick and David met Jane Anfinson, who later was the violinist and vocalist in the group Bright Too Late. |