Early Jaffe & McGee Tape 2
Tape Specifics:
Cassette not stored in a case upon arrival, and case added on 09/05/14. Certron brand 60 minute tape LN60. Both write protection tabs were intact. Removed 9/6/14. The first side of the tape (screws side) is labeled “2-2” in ink pen over white-out. The second side (no screws) is labeled “2-1” in ink pen over white-out.
Side A:
- 00:00 - dub from a phonograph record - maybe Art Zoyd or Univers Zero? [not included in audio player].
--- maybe Symphonie Pour le Jour où Brûleront les Cités?
Side B: Listen in audio player above
- Deb & Hal (Swamp Patrol?) - VL-Tone and clarinet and maybe drum machine (could be VL) - ends at 04:39
- 04:42 - Swamp Patrol - sounds like electric guitar on left (David), VL-Tone (maybe X2) on right, played through my amp with tremolo/vibrato -- lasts until 11:34
- 11:34 - then unidentified piano music, from a phonograph record [not in audio player above] - needle lifts at 26:13
- nothing until 26:51, -- a Deb & Hal jam, which sounds like VL-Tone, electric guitar, with some impromptu Hal vocalizations --- ends abruptly at 29:49
- then carnival merry go-round sounds, stereo recording, but not synched, panned
- with Hal and Deb talking fragments about “three reverse gears”, “battery”, “do you have to plug it in, though?”
Cassette not stored in a case upon arrival, and case added on 09/05/14. Certron brand 60 minute tape LN60. Both write protection tabs were intact. Removed 9/6/14. The first side of the tape (screws side) is labeled “2-2” in ink pen over white-out. The second side (no screws) is labeled “2-1” in ink pen over white-out.
Side A:
- 00:00 - dub from a phonograph record - maybe Art Zoyd or Univers Zero? [not included in audio player].
--- maybe Symphonie Pour le Jour où Brûleront les Cités?
Side B: Listen in audio player above
- Deb & Hal (Swamp Patrol?) - VL-Tone and clarinet and maybe drum machine (could be VL) - ends at 04:39
- 04:42 - Swamp Patrol - sounds like electric guitar on left (David), VL-Tone (maybe X2) on right, played through my amp with tremolo/vibrato -- lasts until 11:34
- 11:34 - then unidentified piano music, from a phonograph record [not in audio player above] - needle lifts at 26:13
- nothing until 26:51, -- a Deb & Hal jam, which sounds like VL-Tone, electric guitar, with some impromptu Hal vocalizations --- ends abruptly at 29:49
- then carnival merry go-round sounds, stereo recording, but not synched, panned
- with Hal and Deb talking fragments about “three reverse gears”, “battery”, “do you have to plug it in, though?”